
FOOD PROCESSING: UV-C Disinfection Solution for Albanian Meat Factories

Client Background:
The clients EHW and FIX, two prominent seasoning factories based in Albania, faced a critical challenge related to the management of mold on their meat products, specifically sausages. The problem persisted within their facilities located in Tirana, Durres, Porche and Paquin, which demanded an effective solution to ensure the quality and safety of their products.

Client's Challenge:
The main challenge for the client was to manage mold formation on their meat products, posing a significant threat to product quality and safety. The client explored various solutions, including Hepa and Mesh filters, to address this issue but found them insufficient.

Solution Provided:
UVL Albania proposed a cutting-edge solution using UV-C disinfection devices. The clients were provided with one such device for free to conduct thorough testing within their facilities. The testing period lasted for 2-3 weeks, during which both meat factories, equipped with their microbiological laboratories, rigorously assessed the effectiveness of the devices.

Implementation Process:
During the implementation phase, UVL Albania seamlessly installed the UV-C devices in the clients's facilities. The successful installation was attributed to the expertise of UVL Albania's technicians and electricians, coupled with the clear and comprehensive instructions provided in the device manuals. The devices were seamlessly integrated into the environments of both meat factories. Have been installed products from UV-FLOW-WL series and UV-REFLEX series.

Results and Benefits:
Upon successful implementation, the UV-C disinfection devices achieved significant results for the client:
Improved Product Safety: The devices effectively eliminated mold, ensuring the production of safer and high-quality meat products, especially sausages.
Employee Safety: By disinfecting the environment, the client ensured a safer workplace for their employees, enhancing overall hygiene standards within the facilities.
Marketing Advantage: The implementation of UV-C disinfection technology added value to the clients' companies. They could now market their products as being prepared in a hygienic and safe environment, thereby enhancing their brand reputation.

The collaboration between Light Progress and UVL Albania resulted in the successful implementation of UV-C disinfection devices in the meat factories. This case study highlights the seamless integration of advanced technology to address a critical challenge, ultimately ensuring product quality, employee safety, and market competitiveness for the client's business.

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