UV-DUCT-SQ / UV-DUCT-SQ-UL is composed of:

UV-DUCT-SQ family includes modules with 4 or 6 lamps, of different sizes and wattages, all in stainless steel. UV-C lamps are equi-spaced and positioned in a grid through which airflow in the duct is forced to move.
UV-DUCT-SQ has been designed to adapt to different sizes and ducts sections, placing one device to cover the surface or matching more devices together side-by-side, one on the other (overlapping), in series, etc. using scroll-in “U”profile, like filters.
Ballasts specific for Light Progress UV-C lamps, are inserted inside a SUPPLY BOX, IP55 insulated. They optimize lamps performance and durability.
UV-DUCT-SQ is made with high quality and extremely durable components, and works perfectly in difficult operating conditions (high humidity, low temperature, etc.).


Applied inside ducts, or inside AHU (Air Handling Unit) UV-DUCT-SQ creates an “UVGI section” that inhibits the proliferation of viruses, bacteria, moulds and spores settling inside Air Conditioning Systems, and very dangerous for health.
UV-DUCT-SQ is very versatile and its shape has been designed to adapt quickly to different applications; UV-DUCT-SQ is a modular system that can be mounted by itself or combined with other modules side-by-side, overlapping, etc.; it purifies homogeneously the airflow running through its powerful lamps, eliminating the microbial load and the spreading and distribution of dangerous and annoying pathogens inside buildings.
in AC systems an unpleasant biofilm covers usually all inner surfaces as the result of microorganisms combination and favorable conditions for their proliferation, such as temperature changes, high humidity and darkness. UV-DUCT-SQ inhibits the creation of this biofilm increasing Indoor Air Quality and comfort.
More specifically, the use of UV-DUCT-SQ eliminates important issues related to AC Systems such as deadly illnesses (Legionella Pneumophila, Tuberculosis, Flu, etc.) but also “Sick Building Syndrome”, “Monday Fever”, Asthma and Allergies. UV-DUCT-SQ allows also the control of Hygiene high standards in Food industry and fights against Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) in hospitals.
UV-DUCT-SQ application is important not only for IAQ and health, but a cleaner AC system is also more efficient from an economic point of view, with less operative and maintenance costs.
As a matter of fact, using UVGI the need of filters replacement and clean of inner surfaces is less necessary than usual.
With UV-DUCT-SQ you obtain a deep and continuous disinfection of your AC system, without the use of expensive and polluting chemicals, , in few words with UV-DUCT-SQ you have better comfort for people in the building, saving money.

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Ultraviolet rays are electromagnetic waves which are part of light. Electromagnetic waves are divided into three main wavelength bands, expressed in nanometers, nm: Ultraviolet rays (UV) 100-400 nm Visible rays (light) 400-700 nm Infrared rays (IR) 700-800,000 nm UV rays are in turn identified in three bands:

  • UV-A (315-400 nm) with tanning properties;
  • UV-B (280-315 nm) con proprietà terapeutiche e di sintesi della vitamina "D";
  • UV-C (100-280 nm) with germicidal properties.

UV-C rays (100-280 nm) have a strong germicidal effect and reach their maximum efficacy at the 265 nm wavelength. The germicidal effect of UV-C radiation covers bacteria, viruses, spores, fungi, moulds and mites; this is mainly due to the destructive effect of the UV-C rays on their DNA, which damage their reproductive system and prevent them from replicating.

Bacteria, Viruses, Spores, Fungi, Mould, and Mites are all sensitive to, and can therefore be eliminated with, UV-C light. Mircrobes cannot acquire resistance to UV-C light, unlike that which occurs using chemical disinfectants and antibiotics. UV rays are ecological. Polluting the environment is inevitable using normal disinfectants. Directly inhaling the vapours, or swallowing food products contaminated by any contact with said chemical disinfectants, can also give rise to a number of serious risks. In cases where chemical disinfectants cannot be eliminated (food, pharmaceutical, healthcare industries, etc.), using ultraviolet rays for disinfection allows a reduction in their use, with considerable economic savings and greater care for the environment, while maintaining and almost always improving the level of disinfection. UV-C light devices can be installed in environments and on machinery and be programmed to maintain the same level of disinfection day and night, guaranteeing ideal hygiene conditions, without highs and lows. On the contrary, chemical disinfectants are effective only during their actual use. Using LIGHT PROGRESS equipped luminaires, operating costs are negligible; it could be said that “LIGHT PROGRESS” UV-C systems do not require maintenance except for the normal replacement of the lamps. The cost/benefit ratio is considered excellent; the devices are both powerful and long-lasting. Hence the elimination of germs using UV-C technology is low-cost and highly effective compared to (or in combination with) other systems.

UV-C really does work when applied correctly and with the necessary precautions. The difference between a quality project and an unsuccessful application is in-depth knowledge and experience gained over time. Since 1987, Light Progress has been carrying out successful projects all over the world and has acquired a clientele of major companies in all sectors that require verified hygienic conditions to produce quality products and services.